Reef Life Restoration Teams with Environmental Moorings to Save Coral
from Anchors & Rebuild Reefs in Caribbean
Reef Life Marine Restoration company has developed unique technologies to regrow coral reefs and create new, biodiverse fish habitats. We will be at DEMA Show 2017 through a collaboration with Environmental Moorings International in Booth 1807
Environmental Moorings has been working with Reef Life to restore reef systems in areas damaged by anchors. Island and coastal communities depend on tourism, and love to have divers visit the reefs! However, hundreds if not thousands of precious coral reef systems have been damaged by dragging anchors and chains through the same delicate reef systems divers wish to explore.
Oceans Require Action Today, Backed up by Science

Objectives for Safe Anchorage Mooring Stations: Island or Coastal Community Project: The primary objectives of a small scale Mooring Buoy and Reef Protection Project are: 1) Placement and maintenance of approximately 75 to 250 mooring buoy sites, with coral and reef fish habitats for use by local boats, including both fisherman and recreational dive operators. 2) Documentation of the selected sites and collection of baseline data for buoy locations having a high potential to suffer impacts due to recreational diving and other activities. 3) Development of a general program to provide on-going monitoring and data collection activities. 4) On-going collection of environmental and reef status data. 5) Provision of educational materials to populace and visiting recreational divers. Collaborations with coral farmers help these stations to grow faster, and many communities without coral farms can begin these with staghorn, Elkhorn and other local coral fragments.

If you are a scuba diver, snorkeler, OR love the oceanic environment, insisting that your boat, or the dive operators boat NOT anchor incorrectly can save the life of reefs, and the fish who feed within them! So many divers have told us they inadvertently anchored in a reef because there were NO Safe Anchor Moorings, and have been devastated at the continuing death of reefs worldwide.
MPA, Marine Protected Areas have contacted both Reef Life and Environmental Moorings to devise the best habitat areas, outside of reefs to ensure divers can enjoy the reef systems without damaging them.
If you are a Diver Operator looking for a way to regrow your house reef and protect them from boat damage ... then visit Environmental Moorings at booth # 1807 at DEMA show 2017 in Orlando FL
When Nov 1-4. If you can't make it to the DEMA show you can visit John and Judy Halas in Florida at the Environmental Moorings office: +1 (305) 451-5984
172 Lorelane Place, Key Largo, Florida 33037
Contact Reef Life Restoration Teams: +1(806) 674-6072
Backup Links for Research:
NOAA Moorings Invented By John Halas:
The embedment mooring concept, developed by John Halas of the Florida Keys NOAA National Marine Sanctuary, has circled the world since its inception in 1981 in Key Largo, Florida. Our international services provide securely anchored moorings for protecting coral reefs from anchor damage from the Americas and the Caribbean Basin to Kenya and Tanzania, Africa to Southeast Asia, China, Vietnam, and throughout the Pacific. The buoys mark sites where people care about the environment and their reefs. Our companies provide marine mooring services and sales of underwater equipment and all mooring system hardware and materials. We can supervise or conduct installation projects for day-use moorings or commercial mooring fields for marinas, dive operations, resorts, or marine protected areas. We feature Manta Ray and Halas Pin anchors for soft and hard bottom types and Stanley Hydraulic underwater tools. Our high quality components make up the most reliable moorings available. Tell us your needs and let us help you! Come see us at DEMA Booth 1807
Environmental Mooring International:
Foundations can purchase both mooring anchorage systems, as well as reef-fish habitats and use as a funding opportunity for their donors, so they can "rebuild the oceanic communities" Please contact Reef Life sales for purchasing, shipping and donor recognition plaques and certificates.
Ongoing support of these programs will be provided by a combination of marina owners, local dive operators, representatives of the Island or Community State Dept. of Marine Resources, NGOs, and international volunteers, citizen scientists, and reef growth researchers. Project Status Reports Quarterly: Habitats planted with farmed corals will be monitored by cameras ongoing, as well as visuals. Projects work best when monitoring protocols are being applied and data collection is continuing. Future monitoring teams will continue to develop video and photographic records, transect surveys, visibility data, water quality and other observational data consistent with protocols developed by the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Reef Check and Universities, Researchers who may be running assessments on planted corals such as the coral farmers we will engage to plant farmed coral on these habitats.
Teams will integrate protocols designed to collect robust statistical data, as modified to address specific issues identified by local and Governmental Marine Resources. Collected data will be collated, entered into an archival database, analyzed and provided to the Dept. of Marine Resources and other researchers. Photo and video records will be processed in a manner consistent with its future use for comparative temporal studies.
Sea Legacy Solution Partners: Reef Life now Solution Partners for Sea Legacy see Link: