November 6th, 2018 Cole Bay, Sint Maarten – IntelliReefs: "Smart Substrates for Super Corals", developed by Reef Life Restoration have been installed at three sites in St. Maarten in a continuing effort to restore marine bio-diversity habitats devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Scientists, filmmakers, photographers, creatives, and leaders from the eco-tourism industry assisted the Sint Maarten Nature Foundation with its mission to restore the island’s coral reefs installing IntelliReefs, to foster the growth and development of coral offspring able to survive extreme weather and changes in water chemistry.
This initiative launches the Plant a Million Coral campaign that will see one million corals
planted throughout the Caribbean Basin by 2025.
“Most of us don’t see how dramatic this is; bright, colorful ecosystems teeming with life that are disappearing at a rapid rate,” “If we could all see it, we would realize how critical it is that we take action now.” The IntelliReefs habitats with coral fragmentation domes can revolutionize recovery.
St. Maarten has lost 80% of its coral due to the impacts of hurricanes, bleaching and disease. The remaining corals are now less resistant to both human and natural threats. The ecosystem needs assistance to regain its resiliency. “The good news out of all of this is that we can take action, and we are,”
IntelliReefs, developed by the Reef Life Restoration, were deployed at three sites last week: The Bridge, the Manowar Shoal Marine Protected Area and just off the landing of the Pelican Peak Zipline in Point Blanche, currently under construction by Sea to Sky Ventures. Along with Reef Life Restoration, Plant a Million Coral has significant support from Sea to Sky Ventures, the Pelican Peak developers, as well as international support from SeaLegacy, an ocean conservation organisation founded by National Geographic Photographers Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen. SeaLegacy is a distinguished group of world-renowned photographers and filmmakers with a combined audience of more than 6.3 million people. Photos for this mission supplied by Ian Kellet @IanKellet_story

The economy of St. Maarten relies heavily on tourism, and this restoration project is important not only to the ecosystem but the ability for St. Maarten to rebuild and be resilient to future threats. “When we were approached about the possibility of both launching Plant a Million Coral on St. Maarten and using a new, innovative tool to potentially enhance our coral reef ecosystem using IntelliReefs, we jumped at the opportunity,” says Tadzio Bervoets, Managing Director of the St. Maarten Nature Foundation. “After having lost so many of our healthy coral since Hurricanes Irma and Maria, we have been struggling to support the ecosystem and in turn, ensure the various benefits that ecosystem gives to the community continues.
Now, with the help of Sea to Sky Ventures, SeaLegacy, Reef Life Restoration, the highly skilled volunteers from the Global Solutions Development dive team who did the installation, we stand an excellent chance of giving our coral reef ecosystem the boost it needs to fulfill the critical role it plays for our environment and our economy.”
IntelliReefs are marine biodiversity habitats made with Oceanite, a 70% mineral marine matrix that assembles like architectural ‘LEGO’ units. Each unit can be outfitted with a combination of growth formulations, custom surface topography, and other species-specific features such as farmed coral attachment holes or spawning beds. IntelliReefs are not artificial reefs. They are an intelligent evolution inspired and powered by nature.
The team from the St Maarten Nature Foundation will be monitoring the performance of the IntelliReef system over the next year for their coral growth and habitat functionality. The Team will be back on the island within the next few months to measure the development and coral growth of the system.
“This is one small step for the reef, and one giant step for the ocean,”
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